Usagi Yojimbo #144

Usagi Yojimbo #144 concludes the two-part storyline that began last month as the rabbit ronin helps out a soy sauce from a ruthless competitor. The second issue gives us a little more action than last month as well as a few more snippets of information for anyone who has ever been curious about the (far more complex than I had expected) process of making soy sauce.

Even the the vandalism of old man's factory and the murder of his assistant isn't enough to get the lazy local sheriff involved. Usagi Yojimbo takes matters into his own hands by throwing the local law in the middle of the gang determined to drive the old soy sauce maker out of business.

A good conclusion to the tale, which include some terrific panels of Usagi in action. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $3.50]

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