Justice League International #7

The Joss Whedon-esque move to pull the rug right out from under the team in its first moment of glory, not to mention killing off a main character, isn't a bad one although pieces of the story don't work as well as I'd like. Neither the dialogue of a mournful father not the reaction of the U.N. Security Chief feel natural.
The team's response to the attack, the severe injuries to Ice and Vixen, and the death of Gavril Ivanovich (a character I had grown to like during Justice League: Generation Lost and who deserved a far better fate than he receives here) aren't nearly as hamfisted.
We also get a surprise appearance by Batwing. Although I think he fits well with the make-up of the team, I am a little saddened by the prospect of him as a replacement for Batman. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]