Breaking In - The Contra Club

Honestly, I remember advertisements for the first season of Breaking In last year, but I don't recall ever seen an episode air. Intially FOX cancelled the show after a shortened first season but the decided months later to bring it back for 13 more episodes.
Christian Slater stars as a former theif and counterfeiter now a sleazy security executive and head of Contra Security. The rest of the cast rounds out to be the team's gadget designer Cash (Alphonso McAuley), lock expert Melanie (Odette Annable), computer hacker Cameron (Bret Harrison), and the head of HR Creepy Carol (Jennifer Irwin).
The Second Season's first episode finds the team mutinying over the prospect of Oz (Slater) selling the company to a billion dollar corporation and installing the well-meaning but spastic Veronica (Megan Mullally) as their new boss. After blocking the sale the team must undo the damage once they learn Oz is broke and if the company isn't sold, and quickly, they will all be out of work.
To be fair I've only seen one episode (which ended in a far overused Breakfast Club homage), but my initial feeling is it looks like one of those shows where the cast is better than what they're given to do on-screen. I've liked Harrison since Reaper, I'm curious to see Anabelle in a role outside of the horror genre, and Slater certainly knows how to pull off sleazy. That said, I'll probably give the show a couple of episodes to try and hook me, even if I'm not sure the writing deserves it given this somewhat lackluster season premiere.