Batman and Robin #7

The Nobody story comes to an explosive conclusion and Batman tracks down Gotham newest criminal, and old rival of Bruce Wayne, as the maniac is slowly torturing Damian over Robin's comm system. Before the end of the night father and son will be reunited and Nobody will be defeated... for good.

The latest issue certainly doesn't skimp on action as Batman plows the Batmobile into a middle of a ship to save his son and then spends most of the comic battling the deranged son of Henri Ducard.

I like the simple dialogue and reaction shots between Damian and Bruce once the battle has ended. I'm far less pleased with the comic's final choice. I certainly understand it, and the story arc certainly gives the "justification" needed for that choice, but just as the pair were coming together the results of Damian's deadly action are likely to tear Batman and Robin apart, again. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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