New trailer arrives for The Avengers (with Decepticons?)
Although it's still giving away nothing about the threat, other than the presence of Loki (Tom Hiddleston), I've got to say I'm pretty positive on this second trailer for this summer's big budget super-hero flick The Avengers. Sure Captain America's (Chris Evans) costume still doesn't quite look right, and, more importantly, the action looks far too Michael Bay for my tastes (and even includes a giant Depticon-ish looking monstrosity in the final shot), but that shot with Thor (Chris Hemsworth) bringing down his Hammer on Captain America's shield? Yeah, that looks pretty cool (and a hellova lot better than that awful new poster). Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Cobie Smulders, Mark Ruffalo, and Samuel L. Jackson also star. The fun stars everywhere on May 4th.