The Mentalist - At First Blush

As the jury sits in deliberations Jane (Simon Baker) enlists the help of Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and the rest of the CBI team to prove the innocence of a woman (Bonnie Somerville) on trail for the murder of her lover and dance instructor.
Jane's sudden interest in the case doesn't please Asistant District Attorney Osvaldo Ardilles (David Norona) who is about to watch Patrick Jane destroy another case the lawyer has spent hours and millions of tax payer dollars prosecuting.
When Summer (Samaire Armstrong) is injured helping Cho (Tim Kang) make a case against a suspect (James Frain) it causes friction between the pair and Cho is forced to admit his true feelings about his confidential informant. With this and the foreshadowing of a possible pain killer addiction it looks like the show is giving Cho a couple of big stories this season.
When all is said and done the affair between the suspect and the victim is revealed but so to is her innocence as Jane is able to trap the real killer (Diane Farr) into revealing herself at the final hour. A good episode which includes a little misdirection by Jane as well as a couple of short scenes reminding us how judges and other members of law enforcement skeptically view Jane and the the CBI team that works with him.