Justice League International #6

With the world safe from giant space robots threatening to pull it apart (at least for the time being) the team finds itself with some time on its hands. As Booster Gold and Batman help nab the bombers behind the attack on the Hall of Justice, Guy Gardner, Rocket Red, and Ice clean-up the last of the robot mess in Peru, and Godiva introduces August General in Iron to New York City hot dogs.

This issue is exactly what the title needed. Although there's plenty of action here as both Booster and Batman and Godiva and August General in Iron stop bomb plots, the issue is much more centered on characters, their interactions, and motivations.

From the comic's final panel it looks like the team is going to be thrown right back into the action but I'm hoping Dan Jurgens doesn't forget to include these kinds of moments which really make a JLI comic work. I'm also sad to see the (apparent) departure of Batman who definitely belongs on this title. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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