The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #16

When Batman loans his more obscure costumes to Gotham Fashion Week Batmite decides to give them out to Mad Mod and his gang (for his amusement), but when Batgirl shows up to help save the day Bat-Mite becomes immeadiately smitten with the female crime-fighter.
The issue works well as a Valentine's Day tale twisted with Bat-Mite's own warped logic such as conjuring up three music-based super-villains (Pied Piper, the Fiddler, the Music Meister) or reading old issue of Lois Lane to find ways to woo Batgirl.
Bat-Mite manages to take the rejection rather well, and finds a new target for his amorous advances. It's not a bad end to the series but with the show already off the air and the rest of the New 52 Bat-titles firmly entrenched in a far less stories there certainly seems like there's a market to keep this title around. I'm going to be sad to see it go. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]