The Recombination Hypothesis

Although the entire episode turns out to be nothing more than a dream sequence it appears the lesson learned isn't wasted. The question on Leonard's (Johnny Galecki) mind is whether or not he should resume his romantic relationship with Penny (Kaley Cuoco).
Despite a hopeful beginning Leonard and Penny's spur of the moment date doesn't go quite as planned ending in an argument in the middle of the restaurant. Of course the make-up sex afterwards doesn't hurt. Deciding to keep their romantic attachment secret the two try to go back to normal only to find themselves in a cycle of fights and sex. I've had worse relationships.
What's interesting about the episode is even given the trainwreck of a relationship he envisions this doesn't stop Leonard from tempting fate and asking Penny out for real. Finally Dr. Hofsteder may have learned not to over think everything - especially where the heart is invovled.
One of the episode's best moments is Sheldon (Jim Parsons) confronting Leonard after he's snuck back into the apartment after sleeping with Penny. Leonard's lie spirals out of control until he finds himself in his bathrobe across the street at the gas station buying some beef jerky he doesn't even want.
The episode's B-story involves Howard (Simon Helberg) and Raj (Kunal Nayyar) enjoying playing Settlers of Catan with Sheldon for reasons he can't quite comprehend. As a B-story it's pretty week, and the jokes are down right juvenile but there is a chuckle or two to be had.