Person of Interest - Super

While recovering from his gunshot wounds Reese (Jim Caviezel) shadows the latest number from the machine - an apartment super (David Zayas) with a missing wife and who is keeping a close eye, maybe too close an eye, on one of the building's female tenants (Kelli Barrett).
Given Reese's limited mobility after his shooting set-up (very reminiscent of Rear Window) works well. We see Reese grow frustrated with the situation as Finch (Michael Emerson) is called on to do more of the leg work. We're also given a few more flashbacks of Finch and his former partner and their early fears on how the machine might be used in the wrong hands.
The episode's twist also works well as Reese realizes he and Finch have made all the wrong conclusions about the young woman's stalker. It's not the super they should be concerned with, it's the young man obsessed with her that the pair have mistaken for her boyfriend.
In the episode's B-story Snow (Michael Kelly) continues to watch Carter (Taraji P. Henson) who begins putting the pieces of Reese and Finch's partnership. With limited choices, and without revealing the existence of the machine, Finch gives the detective a lesson in what he and Reese are doing to keep the world a safer place.
The homage to Rear Window works well and the episode brings Carter a little closer to the Reese/Finch partnership without giving away too many details of the operation. With some foreshadowing about how the knowledge of the machine might have destroyed Finch's earlier partnership it will be interesting to see how far the pair allow Carter into their inner circle in the season's remaining episodes.