Bones – The Crack in the Code

When a skull and spine are found left in the American Heritage Museum along with the blood of five FBI agents and a message taunting the police to find the rest of the corpse Booth (David Boreanaz) and Bones (Emily Deschanel) are put on the case. The mystery grows deeper when they discover the killer disassembled and reassembled the vertebrae, hiding a code, to further taunt the authorities.
While Bones, Hodgins (T.J. Thyne), Angie (Michaela Conlin), and Wendell (Michael Grant Terry) attempt to find clues in the remains and decipher the message left by the killer, Booth and Sweets (John Francis Daley) head out into the field to track down the leads the team is able to provide them which lead them to the Justice Department archive building and the discovery of a group of FBI informants with violent crimes that have been swept under the rug for their cooperation on other cases.
The list of suspects include a hacker (Andrew Leeds) with a grudge against the FBI and an air-tight alibi and a reporter (Robert Cicchini) who seems to know far more about the story surrounding the murder than he should.
Despite the plot of Booth and Bones still looking for a new home, the episode feels a little like a throwback episode from the show's first few seasons. We get another crazy experiment as Hodgins and Wendell test if fireworks shoved inside a replica of the victim could be the cause of death (i.e. exploding corpse) and we're given a new genius criminal (Leeds) who the team is certain committed the crimes (including causing millions of dollars of damage to the Jeffersonian) but, at least for the time being, whose guilt they are unable to prove.