Annihilators: Earthfall #4 (of 4)

Although the two super-teams are able to work together its obvious the Avengers and the Annihilators have far different views on saving the day. Quasar hopes to keep his team in-check, but his final line to Captain America sure feels like none-to-subtle foreshadowing to me.
Sadly, poor Rocket Racoon and Groot's B-story with Mojo peters out in the few pages. If these mini-series are going to continue Rocket Racoon and Groot need to be given a bigger role, brought in on the main storyline, or given their own comic.
Much like the first mini-series Earthfall was fun, but not as good as I hoped it to be. Here's hoping the next one knocks it out of the park (and gives us at least twice as much Rocket Racoon and Groot). I AM GROOT!
[Marvel, $3.99]