The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14

Well, they can't all be winners. The latest issue of The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold isn't horrible, but for a comic that's been consistently entertaining for months a story centered around Ragman and the true meaning of Chanukah is a bit of a misstep.

After helping Blue Beetle take down Crazy Quilt, the Rainbow Raider and Doctor Spectro, Batman heads further into the rougher part of town and helps Ragman stop a plot by a big real estate conglomerate to scare and force the poor out of their homes and buy the property cheap.

Along the way we get a lesson in the true meaning of Chanukah and Ragman's heart grows three sizes (wait, that last part may be from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas).

I know the title is geared towards younger readers, and this is a holiday issue, but it has done a pretty good job not talking down to them and spoon feeding them issues (religious or otherwise), which we get more than our fill of here. Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $2.99]

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