Person of Interest - Witness

When a teacher (Enrico Colantoni) witnesses a murder in a grocery store by the Russian mob he becomes an immediate target not only for the Russians but the mysterious Elias who wants him silenced because of what the victim may have imparted before he died.
Reese (Jim Caviezel) is able to get to Charlie (Colantoni) before the mob but his phone is put out of commission, Charlie is shot in the shoulder, and with limited options and no way to contact Finch (Michael Emerson) the pair move into a part of the city controlled by a Serbian drug lord.
The episode is one of the show's best so far and I'd forgotten how much I've missed Colantoni since Veronica Mars went off the air. He works well here, and it looks like there's a chance we might see him again down the line. I also thought the Finch/Fusco (Kevin Chapman) relationship was an interesting turn of events. With Reese out of contact Fusco was the only other person Finch could go to for help.
The episode includes a late twist that will give the show an on-going storyline to go with the mission of the week. It also gives Reese the added responsibility of another burden to carry. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story arc plays out and also if Fusco's knowledge of Finch leads to any new challenges for the good guys.