Flash Gordon: Invasion of the Red Sword #6 (of 6)

Flash Gordon: The Invasion of the Red Sword ends here. I've found the latest mini-series from Ardden Entertainment more frustrating than the first but it's had just enough moments to make me pick up the final issue which finds Flash Gordon uniting the various factions of Mongo to drive the Earth soldiers known as the Red Sword off of Mongo and back to Earth.

Once again the comic relies far too much on paragraphs of exposition and dialogue, especially from Flash and Zarkov. The actual battle only takes place on a few scatter panels between character discussions of the situation and flashbacks to Zarkov's past and his connection with the leader of the Red Sword.

It's not a great conclusion, but it does wrap up the main story as well as lay the foundation for the next mini-series which looks to have more of Ming and Queen Azura. Hit-and-Miss.

[Ardden Entertainment, $3.99]

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