Burn Notice - Damned If You Do

The good news for Michael Westen (Jeffrey Donovan) is there is only one man left from the secret organization that had him burned. The bad news? Anson Fullerton (Jere Burns) is blackmailing Michael into working for him now.
As Michael gets closer and closer to having his old life back things begin to fall apart. Anson has proof Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar) caused an explosion that took out an office building and killed a handful of people. It doesn't matter that it was Anson's men who set the secondary lethal explosive, it only matters that if the cops see the proof Anson has in his possession Fi is going to jail for a very long time.
Michael's first mission for his new boss is to track down and extract a computer expert (Ptolemy Slocum) who has created a virus that can wipe all records of a person of a government database. Although the initial extraction goes according to plan, recovering his software proves to be far more difficult and involves protecting the man from the group who hired him to build the software, save his girlfriend (Carla Gallo) and break into an impregnable government facility. Thankfully he's able to trick a bloodthirsty gangster (Ian Anthony Dale) into helping him.
The episode's B-story features Sam (Bruce Campbell), Jesse (Coby Bell), and Madeline (Sharon Gless) attempting to discover if the police have any leads on the explosion that could lead them back to Fiona. This calls for Maddie to go undercover and do a bit of computer work in a highly stressful situation.
"Damned If You Do" is a good first episode back that gives us stories that involve all the series regulars, and it's no surprise once Michael finishes his job for Anson the evil mastermind has another one all lined up for him.