Bones – The Memories in the Shallow Grave

Bones returns for its Seventh Season (wow, has this show really been on the air this long?) with Booth (David Boreanaz) and a very pregnant Bones (Emily Deschanel) arguing over future living arrangements and attempting to solve a murder of a woman buried in a park who was accidentally unearthed during a game of paintball.
The murder of the week really takes a backseat to the Bones/Booth relationship as the pair try to come to some arrangement about moving in together after the baby is born. The episode's best scene is its first where we get to see the pair in domestic bliss before the fighting begins. Angela (Michaela Conlin) and Sweets (John Francis Daley) both step in to offer advice. I'll let guess whose is more valued.
The murder itself is interesting in that the victim was an amnesiac who was just starting to get her memory back when she was murdered. Booth uncovers multiple motives for the woman's death but the actual culprit, and the reasons for the killing, make a nice twist.
There's a lot of baby talk for a show centered around dead bodies and that really moves the actual case far into the background for most of the episode. Not only do we get the Booth/Bones confrontations but we get videos of Angela and Hodgins (T.J. Thyne) with their son who even makes an appearance in the lab - much to the displeasure of Saroyan (Tamara Taylor). We'll have to see if this trend continues.