Birds of Prey #3

Because this is DC's reboot it wouldn't be complete without a complete character redesign for Poison Ivy. Although it is a shock that the character is one of the few female DC's characters that got less sexualized as part of the New 52.
The issue itself, once Starling and Katana stop trying to kill their new partner, isn't great but it works well enough to keep my interest (even if the art looks extremely rushed). The issue ends with a cliffhanger as Black Canary learns she's a ticking timebomb set at the mercy of whoever is in charge of this legion of invisible assassins.
The real interesting tidbit is the news that Batgirl won't just be guest-starring over the next couple of issues but will become a permanent member of the team beginning next issue. Babs inclusion could be just what this book needs. Hit-and-Miss.
[DC, $2.99]