The Mentalist - Where in the World is Carmine O'Brien

The murder of a local sheriff (Claudia Wells) leads the CBI to begin an investigation which uncovers three suspects: a wealthy businessman (Carlo Rota) who enjoys sexually assaulting young women (Fernanda Andrade), an embezzler on the run (Todd Eric Andrews), and a local kid with a drug problem. The case gets far more complicated by the arrival of Lisbon's (Robin Tunney) brother Tommy (Henry Thomas).
Much to Lisbon's surprise and vexation Tommy is now working as a bounty hunter who is after one of her suspects. And he's brought his teenage daughter (Madison McLaughlin) along for the ride. Although it infuriates Lisbon to no end Jane (Simon Baker) finds the situation amusing and takes an immediate shine to young Annie.
As Lisbon tries to convince Tommy to give up his new chosen profession the team takes a hard look at their three suspects. The trouble is one turns up dead, one has an airtight alibi, and the third has no real motive for the killing. Enter Patrick Jane and one of his shenanigans that not only reveals the identity of the killer but brings the Lisbon family back together (by only putting them in a little deadly danger).
Although much of the focus of the episode is on Lisbon rather than Jane it works quite well and ends with a more realistic ending rather than trying to paint a happy face on the situation. Lisbon doesn't want her brother to be a bounty hunter but knows she can't stop him, but that doesn't mean she's not going to be worried about him, and her niece.