The Mentalist - Little Red Book

With Lisbon (Robin Tunney) on suspension and the rest of the team reassigned to menial tasks within the CBI Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) returns to work for a new team led by a by-the-book detective (Reed Diamond). His first case back involves the death of a personal trainer who was popular with the gym's female clientele.
Must like the first episode the main point of "Little Red Book" is to quickly manuver the show back to status-quo. Jane's shenanigans gets two members (Joshua Biton, Omar J. Dorsey) of the new team to fight between themselves and gets Cho (Tim Kang) and Grace (Amanda Righetti) reinstated as well as lay the groundwork for Lisbon's return to active duty by the episode's end.
It's not a bad episode, in fact having Jane sabotage his own team, and even blackmail his boss (Michael Gaston) is fun to watch. Things really are getting back to normal.
We're also given a final scene with the return of a blind woman (Alicia Witt) who lived with Red John years ago who Jane calls in to identify the body of the man he killed (Bradley Whitford). Even though we know there's no doubt that she's going to confirm Jane's suspicions the scene itself works quite well and ends the show on suspenseful note. For better or worse, Red John lives.