Justice League International #1 (New 52)

The team, ill-equipped for the situation, having no experience together functioning as a team, and with no intel on the threat, quickly gets their butts handed to them. They can't even agree at making a necessary hasty retreat to regroup. And that's before they learn the robot has some buddies.
A solid second issue from writer Dan Jurgens. I'd still like it to be a little more fun but we do get a couple of fun moments include Andre Briggs' attempt to throw Batman off the team and Booster Gold getting some unexpected support in his early days as leader of the team.
It's an improvement from the first issue, but the comic is still missing a little of the fun from Justice League: Generation Lost. If Booster is going to be the more serious version we're seeing here I think the book needs a little more youthful energy which someone like Blue Beetle could provide. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]