Doctor Who - The Wedding of River Song

Series Six comes to a close with The Doctor (Matt Smith) meeting his destiny on the shores of Lake Silenco and surviving, but with a cost. River Song (Alex Kingston) figured out a way to save The Doctor but all of time has collapsed into a single event, everything in history is happening at the same moment as time itself slowly disintegrates.
"The Wedding of River Song" isn't the best series finale for Doctor Who. Much like "Let's Kill Hitler" the plot seems rushed, without much room for the characters and story to breathe. That said, writer Steven Moffat packs this one to the gills with impressive shots including a pyramid full of Silence and lasting moments as The Doctor meets his destiny in not just his death but at the wedding altar. And its got a train sequence. Trains are cool.
The series finale doesn't quite measure up to the mid-series finale "A Good Man Goes to War," but it does give us a little more information about the Silence and further clues about the events they are attempting to keep from occurring. As to The Doctor's escape, it's no big surprise. This season introduced two possible cheats for The Doctor's death and given how much The Flesh was already played out in the season's first half the choice here was the obvious one to make.
Given the fallout from this finale it will be interesting to see how the show attempts to give us Matt Smith's Doctor as low-key in future episodes. But we're going to have to wait almost a full year to find out. Aside from Christmas and Easter specials it looks like we'll have to wait until next Fall for new episodes of Doctor Who.