Captain Atom #2

The comic opens with Captain Atom bombarded with "wave transmissions from all across the human spectrum." Unable to deal with the overwhelming amount of information attacking his brain the hero retreats to the Continuum where Dr. Megala helps him regain control.

The second part of the comic is a little weird as it's so obviously a Ray Palmer Atom story. Concerned with a dying boy in Kansas City, Captain Atom shrinks himself down to a microscopic level and erradiates the tumor growing in the boy's brain.

Thankfully, the one part of the story I was dreading (the mutated dog creature) is given little more than a cameo here on the comic's final page. I know we'll get to that story at some point, but I hope it's put off as long as possible.

Writer J.T. Krul continues to explore the limitations and abilities of the new Captain Atom. I'd still like a little of the old Captain to shine through this Dr. Manhattan makeover, but as long as that dog story is kept on the back burner I'll keep giving this one a shot. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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