Captain Atom #2

The second part of the comic is a little weird as it's so obviously a Ray Palmer Atom story. Concerned with a dying boy in Kansas City, Captain Atom shrinks himself down to a microscopic level and erradiates the tumor growing in the boy's brain.
Thankfully, the one part of the story I was dreading (the mutated dog creature) is given little more than a cameo here on the comic's final page. I know we'll get to that story at some point, but I hope it's put off as long as possible.
Writer J.T. Krul continues to explore the limitations and abilities of the new Captain Atom. I'd still like a little of the old Captain to shine through this Dr. Manhattan makeover, but as long as that dog story is kept on the back burner I'll keep giving this one a shot. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]