Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #2

It seems in a world without magic all sorts of demons have been trapped in our reality and forced into finding odd jobs to make do. This demon has become a debt collector, and from his frightening visage I'm guessing a pretty good one.
Buffy also has to deal with being hauled in by the police who catch her in the act of staking a vampire. The cops are at a loss as to what to charge her with, but are sure she's guilty of something, but the truth is what they are after is a mysterious young man who is miraculously bringing the undead back to death (so to speak).
Writer Andrew Chambliss does a fair job in picking up for Whedon but the dialogue and character reactions simply aren't as crisp this time around. It's still worth reading, but not quite as good as I was hoping. Worth a look.
[Dark Horse, $2.99]