The All-New Batman: The Brave And The Bold #12

Batman calls on Zatanna to help him track down the person responsible for breaking into the House of Mystery and turning Abel into in a tree. Their search for the magic users responsible leads to battles Doctor Destiny and Mr. Mxyzptlk before the true culprit is unmasked.
The final battle gives us a super-sized throwdown between the conjured up villains (Man-Bat, the Monk, Dala, Blockbuster, Solomon Grundy, werewolves, monstermen) and Batman, Zatanna, and their friends (Deadman, the Spectre, Etrigan, Blue Devil, Swamp Thing, Tomcat). However, victory isn't won with fists but with words as Batman starts to understand how to use the rules of magic to his advantage. Best of the week.
[DC, $2.99]