Justice League International #1

The original JLI run by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire to this day remains one of the best team comics DC, or any publisher, has put out. Way before its time, JLI focused on character relationships, humor, and petty arguments among heroes at least as much as it did with the League saving the day.
The new JLI lacks the zaniness of Giffen's run, and isn't as strong as Judd Winick's year-long Justice League: Generation Lost tale. It's also missing a few key pieces that could really spice up the team dynamic (including Guy Gardner, who quits halfway through this first issue).
The first issue is primarily concerned with setting up the team (which includes Fire, Ice, Rocket Red, Vixen, August General in Iron, and Godiva) under the leadership of Booster Gold, who in the relaunch is still widely regarded as a glory hound.
Batman, the only member of the other League to get a spot on this team, provides his support, but it's clear the others are unsure how Booster (stuck in a wretched redesign of the character's iconic costume) will lead them.
The first issue isn't great, involving the formation of the team, their first adventure, and a B-story about terrorists blowing up the Hall of Justice, but it's still one of the best of DC's "New 52." Given the team, and writer Dan Jurgens' history, I'll give this one a chance at least through its first story arc but its going to have to improve over that time to get me to keep picking it up. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]