Green Lantern Corps #1 (New 52)

Green Lantern Corps is the third Green Lantern title to be launched as part of the New 52. The first dealt with Sinestro and Hal Jordan, the second with the Red Lanterns, and the fourth will follow the adventures of Kyle Rayner and... well, I really don't care about that one. Corps looks to team up Guy Gardner and John Stewart for some cosmic ring slinging.

The issue begins with both Guy and John's troubles leading normal lives given the fact that they're publicly known to be super-heroes. Guy is denied a teaching position given that his presence could put students at risk and John's high standards for safety are scoffed at those willing to build his designs only if they will allow him to cut costs.

In need of some fresh air (so to speak) the pair take a trip to Oa and learn that two Green Lanterns have recently been killed in Sector 3599. Grabbing a team that includes Brik, Isamot Kol, Vandor, Hannu, and Sheriff Mardin set out to find the cause but are unprepared for what they find. A solid opener. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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