Darkwing Duck #16

The lastest issue wraps up the St. Canard mayoral race between Darkwing Duck and Launchpad McQuack as well as reveals the identity of the latest villain to hit town: Suff-Rage. (Yeah, that's right the female villain in an electoral story arc is named suffrage). How are more people not reading this title?
The aftermath of the election is quite humorous, as are the two front page news stories relating the landslide victory and what happens to the city five-minutes after he takes office.
The final pages of the issue also introduce our villains for the series final two issues: Magica and The Phantom Blot (based on the classic Disney character and enemy to Mickey Mouse). The new story arc will continue in a crossover in the next issue of Duck Tales (also ending in a couple of months) before returning next month for the series' penultimate issue. Best of the week.
[Boom, $3.99]