Buffy the Vampire Season Nine #1

Season Nine picks up where we left off. The line of Slayers is gone, magic is gone from the world, Giles is still dead, and Buffy Summers is responsible. Creator Joss Whedom promised Season Nine would get down to smaller stories and that's exactly what he delivers here. No big bad, no ultimate evil, just Buffy and the Scoobies getting on with their lives. And it's pretty freakin' good.
The first issue centers around Buffy's hangover from the first party for all her pals and new roomies at her new apartment. We get flashes of the party from Buffy's hazy memory (some of which she'd just as soon forget). The comic is filled with great dialogue and it actually feels like the characters we remember from Buffy's better days are back in force once again. It's only a first issue, but it's a damn good. Best of the week.
[Dark Horse, $2.99]