DC Retroactive: Batman - The 70's

The first of these Retoractive titles features Batman as Len Wein returns to the character. The story itself isn't great. I wasn't expecting a Joker story but I was hoping to get more than the Terrible Trio, but at least it gives me my favorite Batmobile and that old Batman title logo.
Tom Mandrake does a fair job in his artistic duties by given the issue the layout and feel of a 1970's Batman title. As with all the Retroactive issues this one also includes a bonus issue from the same period (Batman #307). It's overpriced and not nearly as good as I was hoping for (but still a damn shade better than pretty awful Flash Retroactive issue). Longtime fans of the character may want to pick this up, but others can give this one a pass (escpecially given the $5 price-tag). For Fans.
[DC, $4.99]