Cinderella: Fables are Forever #6 (of 6)

We learn that though Dorothy (as a sociopathic mercenary) might be the more dangerous of the two, Cinderella knows how to outwit and opponent rather than just kill one. Cinderella proves there is a difference between a patriot and a mercenary (even if she does have to stoop to Dorothy's level to get her victory).
Up until this mini-series I've never been all that interested in the Fables universe, but writer Chris Roberson has delivered a strong series centered around the idea of Cinderella as a super-spy that's hard to not like.
Although I think it's a good that the series was limited to six issues, I wouldn't mind seeing Cinderella return (preferably without Dorothy) for a new adventure next year. Worth a look.
[Vertigo, $2.99]