Flashpoint: Abin Sur The Green Lantern #1 (of 3)

There are a couple of interesting takeaways from this story. The first is that Abin Sur seems very much the maverick Green Lantern who only follows the orders he agrees with (remind you of anyone?). And the second is that the timeline of Sur's crash on Earth at the end of this issue corresponds with Barry Allen's experiment in Flashpoint #2. Is the reality of Flashpoint about to get introduced to the DCU's two premiere Silver Age heroes at the same time?
More of a novelty than anything else, this issue does give us Abin Sur knocking the snot out of his dear friend Sinestro. Sadly it also gives as an update that this reality is still stuck in the dark days of Blackest Night. Ugh, and I thought Emperor Aquaman was bad. Hit-and-Miss.
[DC, $2.99]