Batgirl #22

Tally Ho!
Once again writer Bryan Q. Miller makes a pretty darn good story without having anything resembling an A-list (or even C-list) villain to work with. And although I've never been that big of a fan of Squire I do like the pairing with Stephanie which provides some trademark Batgirl humor (and plenty of butt kickin'). And by the end you'll know the real reason why Greenwich Mean is so important.
There are also a few sly pop nods throughout the book to keep your eye out for (including the a nice homage to the Beatles). Dammit Steph, I'm going to miss you when you're gone. I'm happy for Barbara Gordon fans, but I've got to say DC is really missing the mark pulling the current Batgirl (who has much the same feel of the original) to reinstate a character who's outgrown the position.
As to what further trouble Steph will get into overseas we'll have to wait for the crossover in Batman: Incorporated #9. Meaning I have to read a Grant Morrison Batman story to get more Batgirl. Sigh. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]