Annihilators #4 (of 4)

In the A story the Annihilators try to prevent the evil Skrull plot to release the Dire Wraiths... or something like that. Like i said, I stopped trying to make sense of this story awhile back. But it's got hugely powered characters like the Silver Surfer, Ronan, Beta-Ray Bill and Quasar kicking some serious butt. By itself this isn't enough to recommend but...
The B story also concludes as Rocket Raccoon and Groot attempt to prevent the Star Thief from escaping his prison. Their plan? Let's just say it involves one of the most humiliating (and adorable) moments of Rocket Raccon's life. Awesome.
The final panels of each story seem to suggest we'll be seeing both of these groups again (hopefully at a much-reduced cover price). Even though I love the Silver Surfer, I'm far more interested in a quirky comic about a new Guardians of a Galaxy than further adventures of the Annihilators. Worth a look.
[Marvel, $4.99]