Comic Rack

This week includes Batman Incorporated, Batgirl, Booster Gold, Cinderella: Fables are Forever, Dark Sun, Elephantmen, Farscape, Guarding the Globe, Hawkeye: Blind Spot, Incredible Hulks, Jennifer Blood, Justice League: Generation Lost, New Avengers, The Outsiders, PunisherMAX, Starborn, Transformers, Veronica, The Walking Dead, Wonder Woman, X-23, X-Men Legacy, Zatanna, the first issues of Captain America and the First Thirteen, Ghostbusters: Infestation, The Grim Ghost, InFamous, Insurrection v3.6, Red Sonja: Revenge of the Gods, Sigil, Venom, Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris, and the final issues of 27, B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: Gods, Captain America & The Korvac Saga, and Victorian Undead II: Sherlock Holmes Vs. Dracula.
Enjoy issue #118