Comic Rack #117

This week includes Archie, Astonishing Thor, Avengers Academy, Batman Beyond, Batman: Streets of Gotham, The Boys, Brightest Day, Bring the Thunder, Chew, Conan: Road of Kings, Deadpool, Freedom Fighters, Green Lantern, Heroes for Hire, House of Mystery, Irredeemable, Locke & Key: Key to the Kingdom, Powers, Red Sonja, Secret Six, Secret Warriors, Thunderbolts, X-Factor, the first issues of 5 Ronin, Annihilators, Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth, Carbon Grey, Darkwing Duck Annual, Emma, Herculian, The Intrepids, Marvel Zombies Supreme, Venom, Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants, Wulf, and the final issues of Angel: Illyria, Azrael, Batman Confidential, Doorways, and First Wave.
Enjoy issue #116