The Good, the Meh, and the Ugly: Kate Hudson

So now, almost a decade later, how does her career shape up? Well, we investigate by breaking her career down into three categories: The Good (self-explanatory), The Meh (the films which fall into the category of flawed but still watchable), and The Ugly (you know, the ones so horrifically awful they caused you to break up with the crazy fool who drug you to them in the first place).
Here are the results:

The Good: Almost Famous
The Meh: Gossip, 200 Cigarettes, Desert Blue, Ricochet River, Dr. T & the Women
The Ugly: About Adam, Bride Wars, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Alex & Emma, Raising Helen, Four Feathers, The Skeleton Key, Fool's Gold, My Best Friend's Girl, Le Divorce, You, Me and Dupree