Nim's Island

Nim’s cries for help do not reach Alex Rover adventurer, but Alexandria Rover (Jodie Foster) author. Alexandria suffers from acute agorophobia, motion sickness, and a host of other issues which makes it impossible for her to help Nim, but she can’t turn the child down. And so with her make-believe hero in tow (also, quizzically, played by Butler) Alexandria begins a trip by boat, plane, and helicopter, to help.
Nim’s situation if further complicated by a cruise ship who decides to stop on the island and let its passengers enjoy the beach. Unwilling to allow this encroachment into her home, Nim forms a plan with the help of her animal companions to turn away the invaders.
Nim’s Island is filed with creatures including sea turtles, lizards, pelicans, and a sea lion. All of these animals of course have names, and Nim is able to communicate to them and teach them, most of the time. Think of it as a live action Disney cartoon. Although this ability is never explained (nor is the reasoning for Butler to be playing two characters - seriously, what’s up with that?), kids should enjoy it anyway. And this isn’t the type of film you go in looking for logic; at least it keeps the fart jokes to a minimum (one).
The movie, based off a children’s book, comes off as a mishmash from other projects - a bit Romancing the Stone, a bit Home Alone, and a also bits of Tarzan and Doctor Dolittle. Like most films with multiple influences it suffers from time to time.
Although Nim’s Island probably won’t wow young kids, they should have a good time, and at 95 minutes it isn’t too long for adults either. It’s got a few issues, but is better (including some impressive production design) than most films made strictly for young kids.