
Originally intended as a video diary for Steve Gleason's unborn son, director Clay Tweel takes audiences along for the ride on the heart-wrenching journey of Gleason's slow decline after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Going from a local football hero who helped rejuvenate the New Orleans Saints football team in the season following Hurricane Katrina to a man fighting to speak, move, and even breathe on his own is often difficult to watch. Refusing to give in, Gleason and his wife Michel continue to fight the incurable degenerative disease every step of the way including forming their own foundation to support others in need.

Peppered with Steve's messages directed to his son Rivers, the constant struggle against his own failing body, and questions about quality of life, Gleason never shies away from true emotion or delving into the hard questions the couple is forced to confront after Steve's diagnosis. Available on DVD, the only extra included is commentary from Tweel and Steve's wife Michel.

[Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, $22.99]

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